Monday, May 12, 2008

Most Loving Moment

Lately, I have been reading Aryeh Ben David's book, The Godfile: 10 Approaches to Personal Prayer. I highly recommend it. The book gives 10 ways to relate to God, based on philosophies of major Jewish thinkers. Examples prayer as an opportunity to judge, love, suffer, listen, talk, etc.

I am up to the love chapter, which discusses how to approach God with nothing but love.

At the end of each chapter is a spiritual check-up - a few self-reflection questions based on the theme of that chapter.

One question asks, "What is the most loving moment you have witnessed?"

I realized that the purest moments of love I have yet to experience come from my son. (My daughter is of course very loving as well, but too young yet to verbalize her feelings.) Every once in a while my son, out of nowhere, will curl up in my lap, look up at me and say, "I love you Mommy."

I am blessed to be loved by lots of people. But nothing like the utter simplicity of that sweet look in his eye and those words, "I love you Mommy."

Yes, that is definitely the most loving moment I have ever witnessed.

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