Sunday, August 09, 2009!

Welcome to Ima Shalom readers! I'm a new contributor, so please allow me to take a few minutes of your time to introduce myself. I'm Foster Ima, a 30-something, single, hesitantly-modern-Orthodox soon-to-be foster mom in a Big City.

Before I say any more, because I'm constitutionally incapable of beginning anything I say or write without a number of disclaimers (including, as with this, a disclaimer about my disclaimers):

1. I confess to using the name "Foster Ima" despite knowing that "FosterEema" already blogs. FosterEema and FosterAbba are a same-sex couple in an unnamed state who recently adopted their daughter from foster care. They have some posts on religion (they have gone to different Reform synagogues over the years) but their blog is very much about parenting and not very much about Jewish parenting.

2. Because of confidentiality laws protecting kids in foster care, I ask that if you are able to discern my identity, please keep it private. I also ask that you let me know that you are reading, just because, well, I'm curious.

Now, back to me.

I started reading foster and foster-adopt blogs about a year ago. I was looking for blogs about foster parenting from a Jewish perspective, but with the exception of FosterAbba's, which at the time was private, I wasn't able to locate any. (I still haven't, in fact, so if you know of one, please let me know!) After reading for a number of months, I started blogging myself. My original intent was to be a resource for other relatively observant Jews who are fostering or who are thinking about it. I recognize now that along with that purpose, my blog may also serve as a bit of a way to seek feedback on my parenting, and to help me clarify issues that I face with my kiddos.

Here, however, I will try to be more focused. On what, I haven't decided yet. As I'm not yet licensed (after nearly--or over, depending on when you start counting--a year), I don't know what my experiences will be and what is worth blogging about. I may start with a post or three about the licensing process and about fostering while Jewish.

I welcome feedback, so please comment freely!


Marcela Sulak said...

What you're doing is so important and wonderful. I'm looking forward to hearing about your life as a foster ima.

The Calico Cat said...

I too am intrigued...

Ima Shalom said...

I'm fascinated by the "hesitantly-modern-Orthodox." Definitely identify with that. Interesting debate with Abba about whether I can be a lapsed Modern Orthodox Jew without ever having been a by-the-book one.

Chana said...

Um yea, I read this blog.
*goes back to lurking*

Sunkist Miss said...

I'm reading. And interested to hear your thoughts as you continue in this process.

Queen of Laundry said...

I'm trying to read too, but will probably do better when the tempratures decrease here in the Middle-East and children finally start school... (please no strike this year, pleaaaaaase).
Since I became a mother I've seen around so many parents whose "license" to raise children should be taken away from them immediately, for all sorts of reasons... Glad to learn about a different kind of parenting approach, which must be there in you if you're willing to trouble yourself through the process.