Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Seven Days of Sex

Yes, I did write that. And now you can go ahead and wake up from your nightmares, because I'm not going to describe anything seamy or inappropriate (after all, some of you actually KNOW me).

Apparently, a pastor of an Evangelical church in Texas--at this point, many of you have stopped reading, right?--has put a challenge to his parishioners. Revive the intimacy in your marriage with Seven Days of Sex. Read the article here.

I mean, come on. I get the rationale behind this "sexperiment." I know that sex is an outstanding way to boost the level of intimacy between two people in a committed, loving relationship. And for what it's worth, it doesn't happen that often at my house. And I could give you a whole long list of reasons why, including kids, which the aforementioned pastor says stands for “keeping intimacy at a distance successfully.”

But honestly, I wonder more about what has happened to us as people when I read an article like this of all places in the New York Times. Isn't the NYT the newspaper of record in this country? And why on earth are we talking about married sex HERE??

So on a whim I decided to see if I could find out what folks were reading about way back in 1900. Because it must be way more impressive, about paradigms shifting and the world changing all around...

On November 24, 1900, a whole 108 years ago, the New York Times featured short reviews of plays showing on Broadway. Apparently, a Thanksgiving tradition was to go to the theater, not to gorge on turkey (that was perhaps in another article), and according to this article, it was a truly bad play that didn't do well around Thanksgiving. Probably the same goes for today's holiday season.

And on November 30 (here's a shoutout to all you football wives out there), there was an extensive piece on the football season, describing how Pennsylvania beat Cornell and Columbia beat some team called the Carlisle Indians. I think that school isn't an Ivy anymore...and they'd be the Native Americans, anyway.

And so fine. I am humbled. And perhaps tis the season to renew one's faith in the fact that there are things more significant in the world than the economy, politics, Iraq, Afghanistan, other 3rd world countries that are disintegrating before our eyes, disease and famine. Perhaps it is important, especially in this season of giving thanks, that we turn to our spouses and say thank you, thank you for being our partners and being our intimate companions and lovers.

Thanks for putting up with us and our snarky comments when you want a medal for emptying the dishwasher. We are actually grateful you did it.

Thank you for putting the kids to bed, even though you riled them up and it took an extra hour and three stories.

Thank you for making dinner, even if it meant defrosting something I cooked last week.

No seriously, I'll stop. I think that the way that I will say thank you to my spouse this year is by having Seven Days of Sex and following the guidance of my new friend, Pastor Ed from Grapevine, Tx. That will help me to refrain from any further complaints about the state of the world, the messy kitchen/children/desk/football, and return to the intimacy that was the hallmark of our life pre-children.

Good luck initiating your very own Sexperiment!


Ari E-B said...

One of the Times' colunists had a very funny response to the article you quote - make sure to read to the end.

Anonymous said...

Here's an idea for couples whose children are no longer newborns: seven days of foreplay. The wife comes home from work to a dinner the husband has cooked without once phoning her at work to ask her where they keep the salt and pepper. The husband does the dishes and puts them away without once asking where anything belongs. I'll bet that would have some wives all steamy and ready to go.

Commenter Abbi said...

I'm confused by your response to the article. Do you think this is beneath the Times to report on this phenomenon? You think this is sensationalistic? It happens to be a fascinating cultural trend. A few months ago there was a book review of a couple (possibly Christian, not sure) who tried to have sex every night for a whole year.

I think it's fascinating from a Jewish perspective, because here is this Christian pastor who is trying to put a positive Christian spin on sex when for centuries, Christians have generally had a negative attitude towards the act. This pastor is essentially trying to push back at centuries of sexual repression and guilt. Good luck to him!

In any case, I think it's an interesting news story, moreso than anything that's going on on Broadway today, that's for sure.